Release Notes DTC 6.x (EN)
6.2 Build 03:
- Bugfix: Send calibration result via the channel that issued the command.
- Bugfix: Send bridge polarity change when in automatic polarity via the channel last used..
6.2 Build 02:
- Use single hardware CAN_Tx buffer to ensure multiple CAN messages are sent in the right order. The embedded MC mechanism does not work.
- Set CAN Enhanced FIFO mode to ensure that received messages are delivered and in sequence.
6.2 Build 01:
- Created CAN_Tx buffer (software) to fix problem that module stalls when no CAN connection is made.
6.2 Build 00:
- Implemented DTC addressing.
- Added DTG compatibility.
6.1 Build 06:
- Initialisation DTx positions has been corrected. When the DTx exit table was blank, the opposite connections were not exactly 180degrees opposite each other.
6.1 Build 05:
- Improved accuracy endposition DTx
6.1 Build 04:
- DTx AGC value reported when requested (indicates magnetic field strength)
- DTx sensor reported when SPI bus fails. DTx now reports "FAIL" in this case.
6.1 Build 03:
- DTx not always recognized at power-up. Introduced wait cycle at program start.
- Unwanted E-stop DTx during setup (go-to angle) due to missing clear timer variable. DTx now only uses E-stop at position when operating normally (go-to position).
- Command 36: No response, fixed.
6.1 Build 02:
- E-stop button (on the module) now works. When E-stop active, E-stop button releases E-stop
- Added E-stop on position for DTx
- Added E-stop on motor-stall
- Info: E-stop is signalled by Info-LED permanently ON
- Turning DTC off (Send command 2) while bridge is turning does not end process properly. Now bridge stops at nearest exit (Graceful Stop).
- Graceful Stop command releases E-stop when active.
6.1 Build 01:
- Added DTx support.
- The current that keeps the bridge-unlock relay energized during bridge rotation is now adjustable. It turns out that a single turntable doesn't respond well to the default values. Possible settings 12.5% to 100% in 12.5% increments. Setting 0 is automatic (as it was before), i.e. DTZ = 100%, all others = 25%.
- Automatic Bridge Polarity: The voltage on the tracks on the bridge can (with 2-rail) be reversed by the DTC module. Polarity reversal or not is done at the request of the software. Not all software appears to support this, in which case you need an additional return-loop module to make it work. To avoid this, the DTC can now also reverse polarity automatically. If this option is enabled, then polarity-commands from the software will be ignored.
6.0 Build 02:
- Don't send relay 0 to DTR.
6.0 Build 01:
- Initial release.