DTCnewConfig Release Notes (EN)
1.2 Build 03:
- Bugfix: OCpin address in ControlSet was handled incorrectly
1.2 Build 02:
- Substantially modified mplementation with DTG support.
1.1 Build 06:
- Afterwards updating/finetuning DTx positions does now work correctly.
- The DTx configuration window has been changed in terms of layout. Control elements are grouped more logically. Elements that are not relevant in a certain phase are hidden so that the presentation looks more clear.
- While reading/writing DTx positions, a message appears so you know when it's finished.
- DTx positions that are programmed as inactive cannot be changed as long as they are inactive, basically because there is no practical use for that.
1.1 Build 05:
- Reading back programmed positions for DTx now works correctly.
1.1 Build 04:
- DTx AGC report support.
- Some translation fixes
1.1 Build 03:
- Bridge off-position when configurating red-to-green, fixed.
- Losing connection while running DTx-setup due to timing issues, fixed.
- Added program-icon.
1.1 Build 02:
- Numerous fixes. Operation inconsistent e.g. when terminating DTx setup before finishing or disconnection while running setup.
- No timeout recognized on sensor test running.
- Program now responds correctly on E-stop and E-stop release events.
1.1 Build 01:
- Added DTx support.
- On opening the connection, current settings are automatically retrieved.
- Added Bridge-relay hold-current configuration.
- Added Automatic Polarity configuration.
1.0 Build 02:
- Added "Not Clear to Send" check.
1.0 Build 01:
- Initial release.