
MCC & Cars

Help for a new British user of Car System

United Kingdom
Can anyone please point me to specific previous posts and answers re setting up servos using UCCI, SP04 and OC32, as translating all the Dutch posts on Google Translate to see if they are relevant would take an age! English is my mother language but happy to Google translate from Dutch if specific to my problem.

Hi Gavin,

UCCI and OC32 manuals are available in English. See www.vpeb.nl/ondersteuning. Click English if required.
Where do you get stuck?


United Kingdom

I just get stuck at the point where I want to operate road turnout servos (supplied by DCC Train Automation). I wonder is my UCCI/E communicating with my OC32/NG? Why cannot I see any reference to servos on the Output Commands page? My OC32/NG is as standard supply with sink drivers but manual suggests maybe not appropriate and should be using resistor arrays; does it matter? I am using separate power supplies for UCCI/E and OC32/NG - would there be a grounding issue affecting the system?


Hi Gavin,

Standard sink drivers do not work for servo's.
When you have started OC32Config, choose com-port for your UCCI and press 'transparant mode'. You should be able to communicate with your OC32. When done you need to reboot your UCCI.

Best regards, Leon

United Kingdom
I have control of turnout servos only when OC32Config is in 'transparent mode. I cannot get any response using jDinamo 'output' page, or indeed OC32Config when not in transparent mode. What could I be doing wrong as I know it is possible to use jDinamo. I have seen a video from another user.

the jDinamoCC software, when using the output functions, directly sends (native) OC32 commands. This is a function that is tested only with an OC32 directly connected.
I assume it also works when the UCCI is in transparant mode. In this mode the UCCI transparently sends any commands to it's connected network and ignores any command send to the UCCI. Hence you cannot use both of them together.
Because I have not tested it, I cannot confirm that the output function of jDinamoCC does work when not in transparent mode.

Hans Nouwens (developer of the jDinamoCC software)

United Kingdom
So does this mean that If I introduce a dedicated cable between the OC32 and another port on my laptop (not the one used for the UCCI) the system would work?

Yes, but the jDinamoCC software uses a single (virtual) comport to send commands. So this wil not help to send car and OC32 commands concurrently.
This is not what the software is build for. Its primary function is to change the settings of the decoder. To test these settings there is a secondary function to send command to the car(decoder) to test the operation, a function to read detectors and a function to send OC32 commands.


United Kingdom
OK but the function to send the OC32 commands is not working for me even though I have seen this function demonstrated on video from another user. My single OC32 has been configured.

United Kingdom
Some responses have caused me concern. The document EEN2DRIE 'jDinamoCC version 3 documentation' clearly states that the software, beyond for configuring, is suitable for manual car control, reading switches and (most importantly with respect to my query) manual OC32 commands - see paragraph 2.5, i.e. the software is claimed for manual control not just configuring. This Output Command function is the problem area for me but I don't get good advice re how to make it work as described.

United Kingdom
This servo manual control issue has been resolved now by my trial and error despite the rather negative/conflicting advice received. Yes jDinamo Output Commands do work once you have identified the UCCI to OC32 communication issue.

Dutch (Nederlands, nl)English British (British English, en-uk)German (Deutsch, de)