Forum: General

Dear Dinamo users,

I first do hope my English langage post will be welcome by Dinamo community.

I bought, a while ago, the "Plug and Play" kit from Dinamo during my visit to Dortmund fair.
I have chosen Dinamo "P&P" kit as the possibility to run analogic and numaric locos was announced.
I have chosen to use "iTrain" with my Dinamo "P&P" , for my N gauge network, currently under construction.

I would be very much interested to have contact with guys who have made the same choice as me (Dinamo "P&P" + iTrain)in order to better understand the way to prepare and launch the full system for the first time.
Obviously an english (or French, but I am not too much dreaming!)speaking corrspondant would be great.
Topics to be discussed (not exhaustive):
-retrosignals in iTrains: better understanding and link with Dinamo "Coupons and sub-coupons"
-how locos' positions will be recorded by iTrain?
-advices to build and test the full system on a dummy network ( for coupons, 2 turnouts)?
-how to get English documentation?

Thanks and regards to all,




Hallo Alain,

I assume you still have the contact information of Rik who was on our stand in Dortmund?


could you send me Rik's phone and/or e-mail adress?
I need some help to start my system !


I bought a Dinamo Plug and Play set and I have, as recommended, built a test track to practice Dinamo P&P.
( ovale track, 2 point machines, 4 blocks)
I did succeed to check the configuration with dinamoconfig software.
Next step was to link iTrain to the Dinamo set and the Dinamo set to the track: except flashing diodes on the boards, nothing noticable happened.

To be sure I have correctly built and connected my test track, would it be possible to get an English version of "Dinamo StarterSet" document (" Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Dinamo Plug & Play Starter Set")???

Last topic: in my starter set, I have 4 dummy signals ( red, yellow, green). The german language document shows how to connect them:but pictures show 4 color wires connected with each signal: mine have no wire connected! Is it possible to receive instruction to connect the 4 wires as shown by pictures?
