

change Current frequency

Hello everyone

I would like to change the current frequency on the TM 44 with config.sys;
someone could tell me the right procedure; because my trials fail;
1 I select the right modules
2 I select the permanent button;
3 I select a new frequency button
how to save the result ?????

what else is the function of the stop button , on config. sys 1.30A ; and also the erase button
thank you for your response and sorry for my english ( translation google )

Hubert Mauroy


Hello Hubert,

We have no config.sys. We have DinamoConfig instead.
Be sure you have RM-C/RM-U 1.30A and TM44 1.20. Other versions will work as well, but responses may be slightly different.

  • Open DinamoConfig
  • Select com-port
  • Click Status
  • Close the status window or leave it open, as you wish
  • Select tab TMxx/UCCI-s
  • Select Module "All_TMxx" or "All_TM44"
  • Select Permanent
  • Select your PWMM-Multiplier (2, 4, 8, 16 or 32)
  • Click Set PWM-Mult.

You're done

You can check the actual setting by selecting an individual TM44 (e.g. 0.0) and click Get PWM-Mult. The value read back is lit green as long as you don't click anything else. When you have set "Permanent" it will read the configuration stored in flash, otherwise it will read the actual setting.

The "Erase All" button will revert all settings of all selected modules to factory defaults. You must have "Permanent" set (I think) to make that work.
The "stop" box will make sure all traffic is stopped. When you ran another program and trains were running when you terminated that program, they will take their old speed as soon as you hit "Reset Fault" in the DinamoConfig program. Sometimes you want that to happen, usually not.

Best regards,

Hello Leon

Thanks for your quickly reponse
Sorry for mistake about Dinamoconfig.sys

Congratulations, I am very satisfied with DINAMO.

I am a former user of DRIVING RAILWAY ( FRENCH SYSTEM ) today disappeared.
Best regards
H Mauroy

Hello everyone;
Hello Leon

I understand the setting of the TM 44 with dinamoconfig 1.30A; its works very well;
now what frequency is most suitable for analog locos;
I think for digital locos this is not very important.???
Another question which voltage is the most suitable for HO to the output of the transfo ; I ave 2 transfos 15V 150 watts each
some analog locos don't work if voltage is more than 14V

Best regards
H Mauroy


Hi Hubert,

Usually the default PWMM setting (2) works fine. That's why it's the default mrgreen
If you want to use other frequencies, just experiment. Note that your loco's may have different step-speed characteristics if you use higher PWMM settings, especially when you go to 16 or 32. So if you change, you may have to recalibrate your loco's in your software.
For DCC, the PWMM has no effect at all, since it only applies to analogue.

If you have problems with higher Voltages on track, check if you have (large) capacitors in your analogue loco's. Also (first) check the OCD setting. "Fast" is the safest setting, but usually "Medium" works best for H0. If necessary you can go to "Slow", but this is not recommended since it drives the hardware just outside specs. So we advise to use "Slow" only if everything else fails.

Best regards,

Dutch (Nederlands, nl)English British (British English, en-uk)German (Deutsch, de)