Forum: MCC & Cars

Poor motor running

I have just completed my first conversion of a small lorry using the Faller van chassis kit. On start up all light, indicators etc worked well. When the lorry was run on a small test track using a UCCI/e and jDinamo it ran very jerkily at lower speed, it was better towards full speed. I have looked at the PID control information to see if this could be the issue, but am unable to see how to alter the CV's to try. I am using a MCCdec 03.
Can anybody point me in the right direction please?



Have you checked that EMF timeout is not the problem (see PID tab)?
To test, raise this value to something high, 8 or more. If that helps, lower it again until the vehicle starts running bad again. Add 1 or 2 to that value and keep it that way.


Hi Leon

Thanks for your reply, The answer to your question about checking the EMF timeout is no, mainly because I cannot find the PID tab!! I have. I meant in my original post that I have read about PID, but not known have to access it to see how it was set! Could you let me know where i should be looking using which software please?
Many thanks for your patience,


All sorted now, What I was looking for was right in front of me and your suggestion in altering the EMF timeout worked first time. I'll blame it on Covid stress!!
Anyway, the truck runs beautifully now, you can't beat the great feeling you get when you see it all working as it should.

Thanks again
