TM44 analog logarithmic speed steps (not only linear)
I am using Dinamo with Z scale
Even i discussed this with Leon sometime ago, i didnt see any adjustments yet.
The linear speed steps for analog locos are not convinient.
The problem is, that with the min Voltage of 10 Volt, many Z scale locos are running 300+ km/h due to a missing step in the gear.
That causes, that i have only few speed steps left from zero to realistic speed.
If i could choose from linear to logarithmic speed steps, i could use much more steps which would cause a realistic acceleration and deceleration.
I see that i can choose it for motors and servos, but not for locos.
Isnt it possible to have this choice?
This is the only thing i have to complain with Dinamo but this causes as well that i cant convince people to use Dinamo at the moment.
Leon, couldnt you put this in the "To-Do" basket for the next release to help Z scale users?